What is AlterYouTube?

AlterYouTube is an alternative comment system for YouTube videos. You can comment on any video without the censorship restrictions imposed by YouTube algorithms.

Why is it necessary?

Recently, automated censorship of comments on YouTube has become absurd: many comments are deleted post-factum without any clear reason. This violates freedom of speech and irritates many people. We offer an effective solution to this problem.

How does it work?

To write an uncensored comment, you need to open the video through our website. This can be done in two ways.

Way 1

Paste the video link into the form on the main page of this site.

Way 2

In the link to the YouTube video, add the word "alter" before youtube.com (or youtu.be)

Desktop example

In the address bar, add alter before youtube.com/xxx and press enter. A page will open where you can leave any comment without censorship.
So, the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw will become

Mobile example*

Tap the "Share" icon and copy the link. Then, paste this link into the browser and enter the word alter before youtu.be/xxx.
So, the URL https://youtu.be/jNQXAC9IVRw will become

*The mobile application is under development. Currently you can use a mobile browser.